Niche Marketing Guide

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This week on the Craft Business Challenge:

Choose the right niche for your business, develop a business concept around that niche, and become the go-to leader in your business niche.

Handmade scarves on display in a craft booth with text overlay - Find a Craft Business Niche

This week's challenge brings you a niche marketing guide to help you find the right area of focus for your business.

If you've heard a lot of buzz around niche marketing, but you're not exactly sure what it means or why it would benefit your business, niche marketing is simply the act of narrowing your business' focus down to serve a specific market of people.

Your niche needs to be narrow enough that a small business owner can be competitive, but still large enough to support a business. Instead of being all things to all people, niche marketers aim to spectacularly serve a small group of customers. If you do that well, you can develop a group of extremely loyal customers.

But how do you choose a business niche and then become well known and trusted in your niche? That's what we'll explore this week.

Plus, I have 9 never before published craft booth photos to share that demonstrate 3 effective visual merchandising techniques you can use in your own portable display.

What's new this week?

Recently, I've been focused on sharing visual merchandising strategies that retail shop owners have used for years to boost sales. This week, I have the last article in the series on visual merchandising strategies for craft business owners.

You'll find 9 brand new craft booth photos featuring 3 effective display strategies including:

  • strategic display design
  • clever color
  • and smart signs and posters

Timely Tips

Focus: Niche Marketing Guide for Craft Business Owners

Here's how to laser focus your craft business, so you can do an outstanding job serving a specific group of customers with specific needs.

Finding a Niche for Your Craft Business: This article provides the foundation for understanding niche marketing.

It answers the questions:

  • What is a market niche?
  • How will a niche help your business?
  • And how can you choose the right niche for your business?

Develop Your Business Concept: Have you ever seen someone with a business concept that is so perfect and brilliant, you wish you had thought of it yourself?

It's tempting to copy a business like that, but straight out copying won't necessarily help you create a company that's a great fit for you. A better approach would be to analyse their business to understand why their concept is brilliant, and then look at ways to apply what you've learned to your own strengths to create a great business concept for yourself.

In this article, I'll show you two examples of craft business owners who have developed brilliant niches that they serve uniquely well. Start with these examples to learn how to find your own unique strengths, and choose a niche that you can serve better than the competition.

Own Your Niche: You've found the right niche for your craft business. Now what?

Now you need to build up a reputation within that niche so you become a trusted, go-to source within your niche.

Here's how to get started.

Printable Signs for Your Craft Booth

This week's craft booth photos featured some displays that use signs effectively to boost sales. If you want some signs to spruce up your own craft booth and encourage shoppers to buy, I have plenty in my Etsy shop.


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