Advertisements & Affiliate Links  Disclosure

Want to know how this website supports itself?

The information below explains how I am compensated for ads and product links that you will find on some pages of this site to help you make informed choices while visiting

Affiliate Programs

As I build my own business, research, and write information for readers at CraftProfessional, I discover products and services that I believe would be useful or enjoyable to the creative entrepreneurs who visit this site.

When I find products or services that I feel would benefit readers, I share links to those resources. 

Often my links to those products and services are affiliate links. Which means, if you make a purchase after clicking on that link, I will earn a commission.

With some of my affiliate links, the purchase doesn't have to happen immediately after you click. In those cases, the company uses "cookies" to track the click to their site, and if you buy a product from the same place within a couple of weeks to 90 days, I may also receive a commission. You can find out more about this in my privacy policy.

How I Decide which Products to Recommend

Before I link out to any other site - whether it's an affiliate link or not - I ask myself if it would be helpful to my readers. My standard for recommending outside information, products, and services is to provide resources I genuinely believe will benefit creative entrepreneurs.

Products I've used and loved:

I love to share products that I've used personally, particularly ones that have been instrumental in the growth of my own business. If something has provided value to me, and I think it would benefit my readers, I'll recommend it on this site.

Products I've not used but think will benefit my readers:

There are times when I link to products that I have not used personally. This happens most often when I'm sharing links to display furniture, accessories, and tents you might use to create a booth for craft shows.

There are so many different ways to set up a craft booth, it's just not possible for me to buy and try them all. If I had a basement full of unused grid wall panels, slat walls, display pedestals, various types of tent weights, multiple portable lighting systems, and several brands of craft tents, my husband would be not too pleased. :)

I believe it's helpful for visitors to my site to know about these options. In fact, readers have written to me and thanked me for providing those links, and others have written to ask for links when I haven't put any on a page. When I do link to a product I have not used personally, I always look for items that I believe will provide good quality and value.

The affiliate companies that are represented on this site include, but are not limited to:

  • Amazon
  • Tailwind
  • SiteSell 
  • Skillshare

Special Statement About Amazon:

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Third PArty Advertisements

Compensation is also received from third party advertisements managed by Mediavine

Third party means that companies pay Mediavine to place ads on this site, and I am paid directly by Mediavine, not by the companies who purchased the ad.

Although I do not choose the specific ads that appear on the site, I do screen these ads to make sure that content is suitable for the website. Mediavine ads include a "Report this ad" link. If you come across an ad that you feel is inappropriate in some way, you can use that link to report the ad to Mediavine.

Mediavine ads are not selected by me, so if you see a Mediavine ad and a web page about the same product or service, it is not a result of a choice I have made.

My Etsy Shop

I sell printable products for creative entrepreneurs in my Etsy shop, and I share links to my shop and those products throughout this site. Of course, if you purchase an item in my Etsy shop, I earn the income from that purchase.

FTC Compensation and Affiliation Affidavit

As per mandates from FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, 16 CFR Part 255 - Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, the purpose of this document is to establish any compensatory affiliation with numerous companies and Lisa McGrimmon.

Lisa McGrimmon is affiliated as a Marketing Affiliate with numerous companies, including but not limited to, SiteSell, Tailwind, and Amazon and receives compensation for sales of products that are being promoted on this site, generated through her personal promotions and therefore has an established connection with those companies that might lead some readers to believe that Lisa McGrimmon's review of the companies and/or products being promoted on this site is biased. However, the review and comments on this page are to the best of her knowledge the true statements and beliefs of Lisa McGrimmon and any claims made can be substantiated on request at also runs third party advertisements through Mediavine, which are clearly identified as such.

Lisa McGrimmon sometimes receives compensation in the form of free promotional products or cash or cash equivalent for the purposes of products that are being promoted on this site, including but not limited to, SiteSell and Tailwind.

Contact Information

If you have questions about any of this, I'll be happy to help. Use this site's contact form to get in touch.