Portable Display Booths for Clothing Designers

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This week on the Craft Business Challenge:

Portable display booths for craft shows. 11 clothing booth photos, and help deciding if you really need to invest in a craft tent for your next show. Plus, part two of the series on teaching crafts - 6 places to teach in your community.

Dress on mannequin at outdoor craft show with text overlay - Clothing Displays & Tents

I have more ideas for designing portable display booths. This week features clothing display booths, as well as some help deciding whether you really need to invest in a craft tent. Plus, we continue the series on teaching your crafts with help deciding where to teach your crafts.

I continue to feature portable display booths through the spring and summer. These pages are popular throughout the summer craft show season and into fall, so I'm happy to draw your attention to some of my favorite display photos. 

This week, it's all about clothing display booths. I have 11 photos of clothing displays, plus links to suppliers to help you create a similar look for your own booth.

We'll also examine the decision to purchase a craft tent. A commercial grade portable canopy with sidewalls generally costs a few hundred dollars, and prices go up from there for higher-end models, so it's a bit of an investment, especially when you're starting out. You might wonder if you really need to spend your business budget on a tent. We'll look at that question this week to help you decide whether a craft tent is a worthwhile investment for you.

But first, we'll continue the series on teaching your craft. I'm so excited about this series because I started my own career as a teacher, and it can be such a rewarding job. This week we'll look at different venues for teaching crafts whether you want to run your classes independently or partner with others in your area.


Where to Teach Your Craft: Your home studio might be the perfect place to teach your craft, but if it's not an ideal space for your classes, don't worry! You can still launch your career as a crafts instructor. Here are several places you can teach your craft in your community, plus considerations to keep in mind with each type of teaching venue.


FOCUS: Clothing displays and craft tent decisions

Portable Clothing Display Racks: 11 photos show you how to incorporate clothing display racks into your craft booth. Plus, links to sources to buy similar display racks and create the look for your own booth.

Do You Really Need a Craft Tent?: Craft tents can be one of the bigger ticket items you buy when you start selling at shows. If your budget is tight, you might be wondering if you really need to spend money on one. Here's some help for you to decide if it's time to invest in a portable canopy for craft shows.


Encourage your customers to splurge a bit!

I have plenty of printable craft booth signs in my Etsy shop to inspire your customers to treat themselves and support your small business.


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