Soap and Jewelry Booth Displays

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This week on the Craft Business Challenge: 

15 soap booth photos, 11 jewelry booth displays, and 14 photos of craft booths using portable shelves.

Handmade bracelets on a table top display. Text - Soap & jewellery displays. Clever jewellery & soap display ideas. Plus, how to use portable shelves in your craft display.

This week is full of soap and jewelry booth displays with a dash of portable shelves for good measure.

First, we have two pages of soap displays, including 5 brand new photos featuring a variety of clever DIY ways to display handmade soap.

Those are followed by 11 photos of jewelry booths using color, product shots, lighting, and effective display solutions to show products at their best.

Finally, we'll examine 14 booths using portable shelves. Shelves have a lot going for them when used in a portable display. They are narrow, so they leave room for customers to browse the booth; they use the full height of the booth for display, so you don't waste any space, and, if they are designed well, they are portable and reasonably easy to move from location to location. 

Some downsides of using shelves for display, are the display can look monotonous and dark if you're not careful. You need do your best to avoid unbroken rows upon rows of products that don't provide points of visual interest. Also, the bottom rows of shelves can be quite dark if not lit well.

You'll see this week how craft professionals take advantage of the benefits of using portable shelves while avoiding some of the negatives.


5 Soap Display Pictures: Clever DIY soap display ideas for your craft booth.


Focus: Soap & JEwelry Booth Displays

10 Soap Booth Photos: 10 more photos of handmade soap on display at craft shows.

14 Craft Booth Ideas Using Shelves: Lots of ideas for using portable shelves in your craft booth.

Printable Signs for Your Craft Booth

Encourage your customers to splurge a bit!

I have plenty of printable craft booth signs in my Etsy shop to inspire your customers to treat themselves and support your small business.


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