Jewelry Making Magazines and Books
I have quite a large stash of my own jewelry making books and magazines, so it's a lot of fun to see which ones readers enjoy.
Keep reading below to see what jewelry books and mags visitors to this site love. When you're finished, you can find reviews of several of my favorite jewelry books here.
Step by Step WIRE JEWELRY magazine
Willoughby, Oh USAI have been making jewelry for years but never knew how to make wire jewelry, so I picked up an issue of
Step By Step Wire Jewelry
at my local craft store.
Step by Step Wire Jewelry is a magazine that is published 4 times a year--spring, summer, fall and winter. There were other magazines and books, but I decided on this because it had instructions to make 13 items of jewelry and they were rated on a scale of 1 to 5. I knew that if I did the 2 items that were marked 1 (beginner), it would be easy to move on to the 4 items marked 2.
One of the things I really liked about this magazine is that they are very descriptive in the instructions regarding tools and supplies. This made it easy for me to make sure I had the proper things on hand before I got started. Along with each step of written instruction they provide a full color picture, making it easy to follow along.
Like all magazines, this one also has a lot of ads and I am now occasionally using one of the websites listed, to buy some of the supplies I need.
About the only complaint I have about
Step By Step Wire Jewelry
is I think they should have more than just 13 items/instructions. I paid $5.99 and I wouldn't mind paying $7.99 if they had 20 or more ideas/instructions for them.
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I Love Bead and Button Magazine!
by Kenya
(Stockton CA USA)
My favorite craft magazine easily is Bead & Button
Magazine. Not only are the articles informative and interesting, they have some great projects to try accompanied by detailed systematic instructions.
I also like that they include resources on where to get supplies, beads, etc. There is a range of projects for beginning, intermediate, and advanced crafters. Something for everyone here!
When I began dabbling in jewelry, I was strictly into working with gemstones and crystals, Bead and Button magazine has encouraged me to explore other mediums such as stitching and working with polymer clay as well as silversmithing.
Each month a new project is featured along with instructions, and a comprehensive list of supplies and where to get them. They also address the business side of the crafting business with in-depth articles regarding having your own bead store, or starting your own jewelry line.
There is a little of everything between the pages of this magazine, and it really is the only magazine that I buy. I also like the fact that they advertise upcoming bead shows and events all over the United States. They also have a section where they feature bead artists and their work, which is inspiring.
Anne Dee Allen's CommentHi Kenya,
I happened to see your message and want to tell you that we are as enamored with our readers as you are with the magazine. We try very hard to give readers what they want, and variety is something that they really like.
Try sending in a project sometime and maybe you can be in Bead&Button too! Our
submission information can be found online here.
Ann Dee Allen
Bead & Button Magazine
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"Fire Mountain Gem and Beads" Bead and Jewelry Making Supply Catalog (This is no ordinary Catalog)
by Lisa Boc
(Winter Park, Florida, U.S.)
"Fire Mountain Gem and Beads" Bead and Jewelry Making Supply Catalog is not an ordinary catalog! It's like a catalog, magazine, and book all in one! (I happened to come across this by word of mouth years ago from a friend of mine that was a professional wire-beading jewelry maker and it's one of the best magazine-catalogs I've seen for bead working!)
For me, it's a must have for any age of crafters ranging from 13 on up who are into jewelry making, bead work, scrap booking (they have charms for scrap booking), and wire work! (Back home we used to call this the 'beading bible' because half of this stuff you can't find in the retail stores (a little advantage for craft fairs hehe)
The best part is that you can order this catalog for Free (on their website or by phone) and it's approximately 300 PAGES THICK!! Of an Array of Every type of bead/color (at a decent price); ranging as small as a seed bead, up to crystal beads, as well as wires, pendents, tools, poly clay, more craft books, etc.
The best part is! Not only do they give many photo examples (everything is in full color) of projects people (I believe they might compete with projects to be in there *hint) created with the beads they are selling (That you can use and get ideas from for projects) but they also give you free beading projects as well on their website,!
For example they have "Free beading instructions" The basics on how to make the correct hooks for beading necklaces, and also projects of "seed beading charm bracelets" and other techniques!
Check it out, it doesn't cost anything!
Lisa's Response
I love the Fire Mountain Gem catalog too. I got a copy of their catalog when I first started making jewelry. My friend's mom, who makes jewelry as a hobby, suggested it to me. There's lots of great inspiration and supplies in there, and I've found their prices are normally much better than you can find in a lot of places.
The other catalog I love is the Rio Grande catalog; however, it's a jewelry supply wholesale company, so you have to have a business number to order from them. I'd say their catalog has even more varied jewelry making supplies and at better prices (since they deal with businesses), but Fire Mountain is still great.
Thanks for the reminder about Fire Mountain Gem. If you like making jewelry, I think it's the kind of catalog that makes you want to sit down, browse through it and dream of all of the great projects you could make.
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